Noticing that your trees or plants aren't looking their best? Plant health care is an important element of maintaining a beautiful yard or garden, yet often neglected. Our plant health care plans provide your plants with vital nutrients they need to thrive while also protecting them against insects and disease. The treatments combine fertilization, pest control, and disease control. Schedule a quote to consult with one of our Arborist’s to determine the best tree & plant care options for your property.
Why should I treat for insects? Insects can cause injury and damage to trees, shrubs and evergreens. By defoliating trees or sucking their sap, insects can inhibit plant growth. By boring into the trunk and branches, they interfere with sap flow and weaken tree structure. Insects may also carry some plant diseases. In many cases, an insect problem is secondary to problems brought on by a stress disorder or pathogen. They may cause real damage to the plants or just make the plants look bad or unhealthy.
How can I tell if my tree needs to be treated for insects or disease?
Trees may be damaged in different ways by different types of insects or diseases and often can be identified through dis-coloration, drooping, wilting, leaf spots, honeydew, or general lack of vitality in the affected plant. It is important to have a certified Arborist inspect the tree and identify the cause of the damage to be able to advise on the best treatment to manage your tree’s specific issues.
Schedule a quote to consult with one of our Arborist’s to determine the best tree care options for your property.
Why should I fertilize? Fertilization is the most beneficial service you can provide to your trees and shrubs. Healthy plants can fight environmental changes, drought, insect attacks, disease, severe weather and stress. Healthy trees and shrubs will provide you with many years of beauty and enjoyment.
Methods: We offer spring and fall fertilization's as well as organic bio-stimulants. Depending on the type of plant and what time of the year it is, we will determine the most suitable fertilizer to give your trees and shrubs a boost.
Soil injection is directly injecting fertilizer into the root zone utilizing a probe. This helps break up compacted soils and provides nutrients directly within the root zone profile, bypassing the competitive roots of grass. The products used are dependent upon the specific requirements of the trees and will consist of a full spectrum of macro and/or micro nutrients.
Direct injection optimizes all materials used by directly injecting the product into the vascular system of the tree, much like an “I.V.” for medication. By injecting directly into the vascular system there is no waste and the tree utilizes 100% of the product. This application is utilized for specific nutrient deficiencies.
When to fertilize? We offer spring and fall fertilization programs. Our organic bio-stimulants can be performed any time other than in the winter months.
A New Vision: Advanced Tree Care implements the latest technology to assess your trees health. Utilizing the most advanced FLIR (forward looking infrared) cameras, we are able to see beyond the normal spectrum of vision and see tree health in a different light. Trees like any other living thing give off a slight amount of heat that is detectable by the Flir system.
The need to Assess the overall health of trees is a growing requirement in property and environmental management. As trees grow, their structure needs to be managed to preserve property safety. With the use of infrared technology, examining trees become a quick and cost efficient task. Areas that are not visible to the naked eye become very visible to the Flir system allowing our Arborist to make a much more informed decision on treatments.
Pro-Active Approach: Advanced Tree care believes that information is king. Having the tools available to obtain the best information is crucial to providing our customers with the best treescape management solutions.
Appointment: Request a meeting with our Arborist to discuss this technology and how it can provide you with the most advanced knowledge of your trees.